Being a leader means getting constantly criticized for every move you make as a manager. The secret to leadership is to sharpen your mental toughness skills and learn how to take criticism using it for positive changes. Here are a few ways you can take criticism as a leader and make a difference.

It Isn’t Personal

It’s important to always strive to do your best as you lead a team, but you don’t need to take criticism personally. You have to remember that most criticism is on the professional level and no one is attacking you personally. Always keep in mind that it is often difficult for employees to criticize their supervisors because of fear of retaliation, so respect them for coming forward and being honest about their feelings.

Don’t Be A Victim

There is no space for a leader to be a victim when faced with harsh criticism as long as it’s honest. The victim mentality is one where you think everyone is out to get you and is petty, immature and it doesn’t work. Rise above this mentality, and take these negatives and turn them into new opportunities.

Don’t React

When you’re criticized, you may want to react like a hungry lion. Calm down before you react. If you get defensive, you may just need a little time to assess the situation. If you overreact because someone criticized something you did as a leader, you’re showing everyone that you have no impulse control as their leader. Earn respect by being calm before you take action.

Be An Opportunist

Criticism is often a blessing in disguise. Take the criticism and learn to assess and improve your leadership style. Have an open mind to fixing the problems and take charge of the opportunity to enhance how you manage your team. If you take the criticism and are able to improve how you lead, you can make your team even stronger and show that you are willing to listen and be proactive.